Tuesday 2 October 2007

Room for improvement

This week has been a very productive week, I finally feel like I am getting the work done more quickly. At first I didn't really like Pagemaker as I kept doing things wrong, but now I feel like I have got used to it. I produced my designs which I thought wouldn't turn out well, but I am quite proud of myself, I have learnt quickly this week which has made it easier to produce the work.

I have completed the structure diagram, which was annoying at first as you have to keep adjusting the lines to produce the structure, with a little help I finally got this done. The presentation on Monday has helped as I wasn't sure if I would be able to set out the assignment I had already done in Pagemaker, but as I have gone over this I feel like I have gained better understanding of how this works. I felt I was doing the assignment quicker, but I am still worried that I have loads to do, as some of the work I have been doing has gone wrong . This week was a week that I could have time to just look over the work and see if there is anything that needs improving. I still have to finish some of the work of which I will be doing in my self study this week. I need to make sure that I have planned my week, so that I know what I am doing for self study, firstly checking that the work I have already done is looking ok, I need to go over the work I have done so far making sure this is correct.


Tom Smith said...

I think going over the work again to make sure it's all done right is key. It's one of my set targets for self study this week. Don't forget to bear in mind the learning outcomes as you look over the work.

Victoria Fisher said...

This week I did the same, I went thought the work I had already done and improved it and for some work I had to cut it down has I had exceeded the word count limit. The self study work John set us this week could be useful for you, so you can see what work you need to do, then you could set times when to do them so you don't feel like you have loads of work and not enough time.

Thomas Wealthy said...

PageMaker looked a fairly hard piece of software to use until were had the lecture with Steve. By just messing around with the program and learn its features will help a lot.