Tuesday 16 October 2007

Finally its the hand in day

This week as been very productive, as the work as gone really well and Ive finally handed my work, in which I feel so much better about now. This week I started the week by putting my work in to page maker which went very well to say am not really use to this program yet. I all so had to adjust the designs as they wasn't to the correct size so I made sure that they where done to standard. I also needed to do some other tasks like correct some of the work where needed to put in to the assignment.

But I do realise now that I should have timed my assignment better because it was a bit of a rush at the last minute getting my work in too order was a bit hard but I got this done but did take quiet a bit of time. But I now know that when I do my next assignment that I should be able to do this better so that I don't have to worry at the last minute that I have not got every thing.

Now that I have completed the first assignment I now feel better about the course as when I first started I wasn't to sure that I was good enough to do the work what was given. I now feel better that I will be able to do the next assignment as I feel that I am learning a lot more and feel that I could use my skills better in the next piece of work. I have learnt a lot so far as some of the things I didn't have a clue about but know I know a lot more which is a really great help and feel that I am learning a lot quicker. But there is still loads that I need to learn. Now its the holidays I feel that I could relax so that I am ready for when I come back to college.


Suzanne Hullah said...

This first assignment has provided us with a benchmark for future assignments. We can learn from the skills we were good at on this assignment and put them into use on the next ones after half term. So that next time, we're even more efficient!

Thomas Wealthy said...

I think it's great that we have got our first assignment out of the way. It will take a lot of pressure off you for the mean time, but receiving feedback from the assignment will help you in the next assignments.

Greg Carrick said...

Yes I agree Suzanne, we can defiantly learn from the skills we used in this assignment and now we know which skills we need to improve on as well.

Julian Dyer said...

In the next assignment you should consider showing some of your work on your blog. This is useful because you can get feedback from other people to show you can “use review and feedback processes to help you decide what the best solution for the target audience is” (from the M3 learning outcome).

You could do this at each part of the development process. For example, show your initial sketches by scanning them in (there is a scanner in the classroom if you don’t have one at home), show the finished ‘on paper’ design, then finally show the finished digitised design. Your feedback will help you change any areas which need improving. Finally, remember to put a reference to the blog post feedback into your merit and distinction section of you assignment at the end.

Chris said...

You might want to spell check your blogs now and again, try typing it out in word then just copying it over to your blog. It might only be little mistakes but if future employers are reading your blog it does look very unprofessional and gives the wrong impression.

Also, as Julian stated. If you post examples of your work it breaks the text down and makes your blog more intresting to read.

Chris Howard - Former HNC Student