Tuesday 30 October 2007


This week I emailed Steve on Monday morning to ask what the task for this week was going to be. He emailed me back to say that we where going to do a presentation on a colour, mine was red, I was so pleased as I felt this would be a good colour with plenty of information to present on. We have to talk about what red means in general, and different cultures.

I started of by researching the colour on the Internet there was lots of information about the colour. I never thought that there would be so much reference on the colour. I then started writing notes on various topics for this colour. I found it interesting that different cultures used red to represent traditional ways. Then I started to put my presentation together using the notes that we had been given. I started off by writing an introduction to my presentation and putting it together word by word.

On Tuesday I emailed Steve to ask if there were any more tasks for the week, which was just to finish off the presentation which needed to be ready to present on Monday. I then finished off putting my presentation together, I decided to use PowerPoint instead of Pagemaker as I thought I wouldn’t be able to make a presentation using Pagemaker. I need to make sure that the presentation is set out correctly and make sure I have enough information for the handouts. My presentation is going to be a basic presentation with no visual aids, to distract from the information I will presenting.

At first I was nervous that it was a presentation, but felt everyone would probably be feeling the same. As I started researching the colour red I felt more confident as there was such a lot of facts on this colour and felt that my presentation would last for five minutes. I don’t like the idea of presentations but feel I would get more confident in time with practice and my presentations will improve.

Also this week I am going to collect pictures to use in my sketch book, so that I am able to look back at them for any ideas which will be useful for other work I will be doing in the next couple of years.

I had problems with my Internet connection and although I had done my blog on time was unable to put it on my blog.


Michelle Bonfield said...

It sounds like you're progressing really well and I'm impressed with how far you've got.

I just wonder if having absolutely no visual aids is the best option. I understand the need to keep clarity in the presentation but personally imagery helps me recall information I've been given. Check out;


If what I'm saying really isn't appropraite and you've definately got it cracked then please ignore this!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Julian Dyer said...

Having good research is essential to the whole presentation, and it looks as if you have done this from what you say in your post, Rebecca. If you have confidence in your research it can relieve a bit of the stress, as you know for a fact that all the information you are giving is accurate.

Also keeping your presentation basic is the right way to go too. Doing some highly detailed slides will only confuse the viewer. They have to not only take in what is on screen, but what you are saying too.

Confidence will only come with doing more presentations. I was really nervous in the first one we did, but it gets easier when you do more of them.

Tom Smith said...

Before reading your post I was beginning to feel nervous again about the presentation, but reading your post has helped with that.

You pointed out that the research you did helped you to feel more confident about the presentation, and this reminded me of how I felt while doing the research. The fact is, I've got a lot of information that is useful.

Thanks for giving me some of my confidence back!

Anonymous said...

Date stamp and time zone test.

Shaun Bellis said...

Hi Rebecca

I am glad that you are coming around to the idea of doing the presentation.

I am glad that you find your colour interesting; I think that this will reflect well in your presentation.

If there is anything that I can do to help you with then please do not hesitate to ask.

Shaun Bellis
My Journal

Anonymous said...

The requested 'Comments Timestamp Format' has not been implemented.

Thomas Wealthy said...

Well as it is the night before the presentation I am starting to feel the butterflies which isn’t a pleasant experience. I will be glad when it is 6:00pm tomorrow when it is all over.

By doing the research on your colour it will make the job at lot easier and will make you feel more comforted and more positive on what you are going to talk about.