Tuesday 18 September 2007

Things becoming clearer

Week three and it seems like we have been here ages. This week had been difficult as we have had loads of work to do and the planning of what work needs to be done. I am finding this hard as I never know what tasks I need to put down on the weekly sheet, but I am sure as time goes on I will find this easier to achieve. The meeting with Steve has given me a better understanding of what needs to be done on the assignment, he has helped with any questions that I needed answering.

This week I have done the target audience and the delivery requirements, the presentations have helped loads as I wasn't too sure on what work I needed to do for these sections of work.

I have put notes in my sketch book, this will able me to go back and see what I can add to the work I have already done.

This week for self study I am going to look over the work I have already done to see what improvements can be made. I am sure there will be loads of things that can be changed to make them better. I am going to see what work needs to be done for next week. I am going to look at planning my weeks so that when college comes I will know exactly what needs to be done and how I am going to do it.

I have found it really easy to add inspiration to my sketch book and have found loads of great mags with inspiring pictures in, I have put these in to my sketch book as I will always need to go back to these for ideas and when I am feeling like I need more motivation with my work.


Craig Burgess said...

Like I've said before to someone else, it does get a lot easier to time plan with time. Just stick at it, keep up with it and the hard times will pass.

Once you get more experienced with your own working patterns you'll be fine.

John Browne said...

It was only the other week that you told me you didn't know what do. Congratulations is all i can say really...

Webomatic said...

Planning time gets easier i strugled with the first sheet and got it wrong, try mark down every little task you plan on doing and the time it should generaly take you, for example checking the ink in your printer is a task. It should get easier ive hopfully got mine right this time.