Tuesday 26 February 2008

Design task

On Monday it was another chance to finish off any changes for A5, so I just made changes to my site and made sure that I had made screen shots of the changes so that I was able to put them in to my sketch book. I also made a list of the things that I needed to do before the hand in date.

Today we had another timed task which was to create a newspaper page. We had 2 hours to design and create the finished design. I started off by making simple design ideas and then choose 2 off the best designs and added measurements to them so that it was easier when I designed it in Indesign. When I had finished the design I then started to design it on to the computer, we had to make sure the page was A5 which was quit small. I started off by typing the information as there was quit a lot of information to fit on a page. After that I added the title and picture so that I would know how much room I had to change the layout of the text. When I had finished this I then showed Steve the design to get feedback which was to change the text so that it fit on the page better.
In the afternoon we had the chance to finish off are presentations and finish off any thing else we had to do for A6, which I checked if there was any spelling mistake's. In the group meeting this week we went over what needed to be in are assignments and how they should be set out.

This week I am going to make sure that I have completed the presentation before I start to practice the presentation. Then I will finish any changes to my site making sure that its complete.


Victoria Fisher said...

I found the seminar meeting Tuesday useful, it was good to go over and check what we needed for this Tuesday. You sound like you have everything in order at the moment, we have not as much written work to hand in this time but I still feel we have a fair bit to hand in.

Gary Benn said...

It is very good to create a checklist of things to do. It will help you in the stressful last days before assignment hand in when you will be panicking. When you are stressed/panicked you are more likely to forget to do things.

I think it will benefit you to practice a draft version of your presentation before you complete the finished version. This way you will have a better idea about how you can change it to make it better. Also the people who were watching you do a practice run will be able to give you feedback on where you need to make changes.

Practicing early will allow you the audience to tell you what they cannot understand so you can re word it in a way that is easier.

A polite note about your journal: Although it is good to tell people what you have done during the week, we all know what happened as we were there. I feel it will help you in A1 and for your evaluations if you write how you felt about each particular task, if there were any problems ect.
